Bukeikhan Omarali

Postdoctoral Fellow

Bukeikhan is a postdoctoral research associate at the Deptartment of Computing. His current research focuses on Human-Robot Interaction with focus on intuitive control of assistive robotic devices, human behaviour models and mutual human-robot adaptation. He obtained his PhD in Robotics from the Queen Mary University of London and University of Genoa in 2023.

Research Brief

Research Brief So far Human-Robot Interaction focused on the robot, largely ignoring the human aspects of interactions. In our research we fill this gap by focusing on natural human behavior: how to model human's behaviour, their goals, the corresponding actions sequences; how can robot leverage human's natural hand-eye coordination behaviours to better understand human's state and intentions, how does human adapt to various robot policies and should the robot adapt in turn? We use a combination of natural human behaviour recordings, eye-tracking, action grammars and/or large vision-language-action models as well as inverse reinforcement learning to understand human behaviour and generate corresponding robotic assistive actions.

Lab Publications

2021 BEETL Competition: Advancing Transfer Learning for Subject Independence & Heterogenous EEG Data Sets


Xiaoxi Wei, A Aldo Faisal, Moritz Grosse-Wentrup, Alexandre Gramfort, Sylvain Chevallier, Vinay Jayaram, Camille Jeunet, Stylianos Bakas, Siegfried Ludwig, Konstantinos Barmpas, Mehdi Bahri, Yannis Panagakis, Nikolaos Laskaris, Dimitrios A Adamos, Stefanos Zafeiriou, William C Duong, Stephen M Gordon, Vernon J Lawhern, Maciej ƚliwowski, Vincent Rouanne, Piotr Tempczyk

Proceedings of Machine Learning Research